An Astonishing Flying Theater Performance by
"Ici Tut Sweet" / Irene & Livia
"The whole is greater then the sum of the parts"
"2>1+1" is a playful aerial theater performance exploring how we coexist with one another.
With a free-standing aerial rig for a unique blend of aerial arts and innovative dance, the female Ici Tut Sweet duo tells a lyrical story of how to reconnect with our lost inner child, reconciling with it to share common space and to remember the playful essence of life. Developing trust in the other and one’s self, the duo expands and grows mutually to be a stronger unit together. Indeed isn’t the whole greater than the sum of the parts?
"2>1+1" is a playful aerial theater performance exploring how we coexist with one another.
With a free-standing aerial rig for a unique blend of aerial arts and innovative dance, the female Ici Tut Sweet duo tells a lyrical story of how to reconnect with our lost inner child, reconciling with it to share common space and to remember the playful essence of life. Developing trust in the other and one’s self, the duo expands and grows mutually to be a stronger unit together. Indeed isn’t the whole greater than the sum of the parts?
A Contemporary Aerial Circus
Flying and spinning through the air, weightlessly dancing free in the space. With a graceful symbiosis of movements and incorporating contemporary dance and concepts, this artists give aerial acrobatics a new approach. Two bodies morphing together, creating shapes and contrasts high in the air, finding harmony as they spin, making the audience feel like flying themselves.
"Ici Tut Sweet"
We are "Ici Tut Sweet" a female performance duo, passionate aerialists and dancers from Austria and France, who performed internationally with a wide range of acts in countries all over the globe and since 2015 as well seen on festivals and street-art-perfromances. Our new and creative contemporary aerial performance "2>1+1" below the frame of our
artistic aerial-rig, is a stunning spectacle that lifts our show high above.
more about Technicals & Freestanding Aerial Rig ...
Fotos (Copyright) for Flare Performance, Zuz.Photoz, Fabian Wimberger, Erwin Pils, Stadt Bruck (Meieregger), Bianca Mayer, BuskerPix,